Say, “My prayer, my
offering, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.” - The Holy Quran [6:162]
“My prayer, my offering, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of all
the worlds.” - The Holy Quran [6:162]
Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) said: By his good character a believer will attain the
degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day. - Reported by Abu Dawood, Hadeeth.
The Prophet (pbuh)
said, “Allah said, “I have prepared for My righteous slaves (such excellent
things) as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart
can ever think of. - Reported by Bukhari,
Rasulullah SAW said,
“Do not talk for long without remembering Allah, for talking much without
remembering Allah is hardness of the heart. The most distant amongst Men from
Allah is one with a hardened heart.” - Reported by
At-Tirmidhi, Hadeeth.
Allah’s Apostle said
“The Hell Fire complained to its Lord saying, ‘Oh Allah! My different parts eat
up each other.’ So, He allowed it to take two breaths, one in the winter and
the other in summer, and this is the reason for the severe heat and the bitter
cold you find (in weather).” - Reported by Bukhari,
Friends, on that day,
will become enemies to one another, except the God-fearing, (to whom it will be
said) “Oh My servants, there is no fear for you today, nor will you grieve - Oh
those (servants) who believed in Our signs, and remained obedient - Enter the
Paradise, you and your spouses, showered with bliss.” - The Holy Quran [43:67,68,69,70]
The Prophet, peace
upon him, said, “All of the speech of the Child of Adam will be held against
him, it will not be in his favor; except commanding good, forbidding wrong, or
the remembrance of Allah.” - Reported by
At-Tirmidhi, Hadeeth.
It is better for a
leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a mistake in punishing. - Reported by At-Tirmidhi, Hadeeth.
She believed in me
when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she
helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand. - Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) relates to
his first wife Khadijah.
Allah’s Messenger
(SAW) said, “The nearest a slave can be to his Lord is when he is prostrating,
so invoke (supplicate) Allah much in it.” - Reported
by Muslim & Abu Dawood, Hadeeth.
Do not look to those
above you. Look to those below you, as it will more likely remind you of the
favours Allah has bestowed upon you. - Reported by
Muslim, Hadeeth.
Allah’s Messenger
(SAW) said, “Shall I not point out to you a person whom the Fire is forbidden
to touch and who is forbidden to the Fire? He is the one who makes things easy
for the relatives.” - Reported by At-Tirmidhi,
And it is among His
signs that He has created for you wives from among yourselves, so that you may
find tranquility in them, and He has created love and kindness between you.
Surely in this there are signs for a people who reflect. - The Holy Quran [30:21]
Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) said, “I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise
for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he was in the right, a house in the
middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he was joking, and a
house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good.” - Reported by Abu Dawood, Hadeeth.
The Prophet (peace be
upon him) said: “Shall I not guide you to the most excellent charity? It is to
provide for your daughter when she is sent back to you and has no one but you
to provide for her.” - Reported by At-Tirmidhi,
Allah’s Messenger
(peace be upon him) said, “My parable and that of yours is like a man who
kindled a fire. When it has illuminated all around him, the moths and
grasshoppers began to fall therein. He tried to push them away, but they
overcame him and jumped into it. I am catching hold of your waists ties (to
save you) from fire, but you slip away from my hands.” - Reported by Muslim, Hadeeth.
Surely, those who
have declared: “Our Lord is Allah”, then remained steadfast, on them the angels
will descend, saying, “Do not fear, and do not grieve; and be happy with the
good news of the Jannah (Paradise) that you had been promised. We have been
your friends in the worldly life, and (will remain as such) in the Hereafter.
And for you here is whatever your souls desire, and for you here is whatever
you call for. - The Holy Quran [41:30-31]
The Prophet (SAW)
said, “None is more patient than Allah against the harmful and annoying words
He hears (from the people): They ascribe children to Him, yet He bestows upon
them health and provision. - Reported by Bukhari,
When you recite the
We place an invisible curtain between you and those who do not believe in the
Hereafter, and We put covers on their hearts barring them from understanding
it, and (We put) deafness in their ears; and when you refer to your Lord alone
(without referring to their presumed deities,) in the Qur’ān, they turn their backs in aversion. - The Holy Quran [17:45-46]
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